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Although the Out-Towns and even the Twelve Towns boast a number of so-called mystics, bards, and storytellers, the Sooths are unique to the Wheelhouse. Selected as infants, the Sooths know no other home than the tower. Here they are raised to be bearers of knowledge and keepers of ancient truths. There are no burdens of possession, no distractions of identity—they are given no name other than Sooth, and see all of the other children as close kin, though rarely do they have the opportunity for frivolity or fun. Instead, the young Sooths study the histories of the ancient world, piecing together the portents, signs and omens that led to the pivotal moments in time that shaped the world before the Breaking. A trove of tomes, scrolls, and chronicles has been amassed, and in no other place is there greater access to the truths of the world that was.


The Sooth children live amongst these pages and ancient myths, learning not only the histories but bits of magic the old ones once knew as well. Their education and comprehension is accelerated by the powers of the Wheelhouse and by the age of ten, the Sooths are sent out to the Twelve Towns to serve as a guide to the bandiar. Armed only with limited magic and their vast knowledge, the Sooths must face the harsh realities of the ravaged world; a stark contrast to the comfortable life they have known to this point. Yet they are eager to serve in this regard, and will lead the group of bandiar on their appointed purpose as determined by the Wheelhouse.


Socially awkward, the Sooth children have never really known a home and can oftentimes be unsure how to relate to their bandiar companions. Their knowledge and aid, however, is vital. Throughout their journey, a Sooth will attempt to read signs or omens appear along the way and warn the group of what dangers may lie ahead or complicate the fulfillment of their purpose.


It is this—the purpose itself—that drives the Sooth and compels them to confront horrors that other children their own age could never face. And while the Sooth may bond with their bandiar companions, they have never known true friendship or even love, and despite what ties are formed, their primary loyalty will always be to the Wheelhouse.










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